Mors Vincit Omnia ~ Death Conquers All


House Shadowstorm is the backdrop of multiple campaigns and roleplays centered around its characters and NPCs. This is not a guild. It’s worldbuilding to interact with characters pertaining to this story.


House Shadowstorm has deep roots that date back to the formation of Stromgarde. The once great House Shadowstorm held many properties before the Third War. The founding noble of the house was Baron Archibald Shadowstorm, during notable service to Thoradin. He was one of the ambassadors to assist with negotiations with Quel’Thalas during the Troll Wars. His time in Quel’Thalas was crucial as it introduced him to arcane magic. The Shadowstorm family was granted a hamlet called Wraithvale in the Kingdom of Alterac near Strahnbrad. The Shadowstorm estate in Wraithvale had a renowned library of ancient eldritch magic, which was in part lost when it was sacked.Baroness Sery Shadowstorm recently regained her noble titles after a lengthy legal battle in the House of Nobles. The young noblewoman hailed from Lorderean as an infant refuge, adopted into a Stormwind noble family who wished to obtain her properties. Now that she retains what is rightfully hers, she has sought out to rebuild the once great magical archive that she inherited from her father, Baron Sebastian Shadowstorm. The eccentric young woman employs dozens of academics and archivists to obtain and maintain her infamous magical archive.


The Shadowstorm name comes with its own baggage when it comes to its history within Lordaeron. Rumors always circulated the house in regards to the unusual magic that was alleged to be practiced behind closed doors. The oddly Victorian gothic manor always had a patriarch who tended to work in the shadows when it came to politics. Whispers felt confident in linking the house to the Royal Apothecary Society.Present day rumors are less insidious. It’s well known that Lady Sery runs a bookstore in Stormwind called Volumes & Vellums. They have a wide assortment of materials available. However, wealthier clients are ushered to a private upstairs room for discussion. Strange people of all sorts seem to come and go from the hidden townhouse door in the Mage District, particularly of the unsavory sort. Academics who have dealt with Lady Sery when it comes to loaning books, particularly to the Royal Library, will know that House Shadowstorm doesn’t discriminate against magic schools when it comes to their collection.

House Members

Art by grqywaren on Discord

Lady Sery Shadowstorm

Eccentric and scholarly, Sery is just coming of age and setting to the task of rebuilding her father’s once great library archive of magical books and artifacts. She’s a nightowl who spends more time with her nose in a book than talking with people. She strives to keep up appearances within the House of Nobles and volunteering at the orphanage in the capital. She prefers books to people. More »

Sister Esmeline Clarke | Advisor

This enigmatic ex-cult leader is the advisor to the noble house. It’s unclear what her connection is to Sery, however much of the house’s financial funding and legal help came from Esme. Now a tidesage initiate, Esme splits her time between her duties in conducting business for the house and training in dedication to the Tidemother. More »

Art by Escalusia

Art by Escalusia

Dr. Lazlo Moreau | Steward

Notorious music composer and conductor for recently destroyed Dalaran Opera House. Dr. Moreau was recruited into the noble house after seeking funding to continue his scientific research after he was asked to step down his alchemy professor role at Stormwind University. The good doctor seems to have limitless amounts of time, some of which is used to teach underprivileged children in Moonbrook. More »

Adamantios Chertov | High Archvist

Jovial archivist, Adam, is usually seen rubbing shoulders in Stormwind, eager to talk to just about anyone when he’s not in the archives or bookstore. Always wearing flashy Pandaren fashions with attention to detail when it comes to grooming. He’s so friendly you’d never know he’s a convicted fugitive recently escaped from Violet Hold. More »

House Guests

Art by Momotowan

Orpheus | Ward

Elusive and sublime, wherever Orpheus goes– music follows. This rebel with a cause excels at subterfuge and intelligence gathering. When she’s not beguiling and swindling nobles, she can be seen on street corners singing like a nightingale. Recently engaged to Dr. Moreau, to the disappointment of some, Orpheus has made the house business her own. Her fate within its walls has yet to be revealed to her. More »

Remwen Sterling | Clerk

Saccharine and scholarly, Remwen is an ex-Reliquary Keeper for the Shrine of the Storm. Overly educated doesn’t scratch the surface, which begs the question why is she just a clerk for Volumes & Vellums? Remmy is the living embodiment of a pumpkin spice latte. Her specialty is archeology and entomology. She’s well versed in insectoid races. More »

Art by Me

James Vanstern | Security

Decorated veteran and loveable huntsman, James is often coming and going from the townhouse with a myriad of animal companions. Typically brought in for larger campaigns to assist with strategy and security, this outdoorsman is the kind of guy you could enjoy a beer with. And often prone to adopt strays.


Clairdestine Oldham

Elderly and patient, Clairdestine seems like the kind of person who would be happy to help a lost stranger or a kid who can’t find their mother. She often keeps to the kitchen, sometimes sucking on peppermint candies that she keeps in the pocket of her apron. Her use of the dark arts within her cooking is questionable.


Heath appears like he is a human. It is not obvious that he is a highly advanced golem made of flesh, bone, and clay. Within him is a runic power core and several stone cairns used in Drust constructs. Layers of arcane enchantment and necromantic magic are also present. Whatever controls him is not within his person, therefore must be located elsewhere in the house.

Eudora Gray

Isn’t it comically ironic that a woman named Eudora Gray would end up being a ghost? No, she doesn’t think it’s funny at all. Terribly difficult to pin down, this former lady’s maid to the matriarch Lady Shadowstorm is the keeper of many secrets.

Sery Shadowstorm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis in rutrum purus, non ornare urna. Sed feugiat feugiat neque nec condimentum. Ut venenatis, metus a vestibulum elementum, purus ex accumsan lorem, non laoreet eros sem et turpis. Curabitur ex dolor, volutpat vitae mi vitae, tincidunt sollicitudin neque. Fusce tempor eros enim. Etiam finibus auctor odio at commodo. Vivamus imperdiet sagittis pellentesque. Suspendisse sagittis ante et sollicitudin consequat. Phasellus scelerisque lacus in purus aliquet, et feugiat est varius. Phasellus auctor risus et diam malesuada, id pellentesque risus scelerisque. Nulla id lorem elit. Quisque vel justo tincidunt, aliquet neque eu, convallis massa.Maecenas quis massa dignissim, rutrum sem vitae, accumsan turpis. Quisque pretium diam ut massa bibendum, vel euismod elit consequat. Aliquam euismod, lorem et molestie pellentesque, lorem ipsum finibus ex, non feugiat turpis tellus eget purus. Fusce fermentum ac nibh nec interdum. Etiam tortor turpis, bibendum ac hendrerit et, placerat vel ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque vitae scelerisque eros, nec posuere felis. Nunc ac leo eros. Vivamus ullamcorper eros massa, at feugiat tellus interdum a. Praesent a ullamcorper mauris. Vestibulum efficitur nibh erat, eu auctor mauris fermentum nec. Aliquam placerat, libero id posuere faucibus, tortor purus interdum diam, vitae viverra nisl turpis ac est.Etiam vel ipsum quis ligula bibendum mattis vel nec sem. Maecenas vehicula rutrum sapien, a lacinia nisi dignissim a. Sed tincidunt, nunc et lobortis pharetra, sapien est semper elit, at efficitur nisl lorem sit amet ante. Aenean aliquam tortor nec est scelerisque commodo. In consectetur tellus non pulvinar facilisis. Integer vitae diam non mi malesuada volutpat a ac elit. Nam enim libero, tincidunt eu orci lobortis, facilisis lobortis neque.

Volumes & Vellums

Spotify PlaylistThe rustic sign for Volumes & Vellums sways in the breeze over the shop at 27 Proudmore Lane. It’s a skinny brownstone wedged between the Glove & Gauntlet offices and an ink emporium. On the front door is the House Shadowstorm banner, in case you were wondering who the proprietor is. The shop window displays the latest published books in stock, seasonal holiday decorations hang outside.Upon walking into Volumes & Vellums one is greeted with bookshelves brimming with entertainment and knowledge. The familiar scent of bibliosmia immediately hits your senses. The first floor is filled with an assortment of books which one would expect to find in an establishment placed in the heart of Stormwind. It might be overwhelming at first, but that’s okay because the friendly staff at Volumes & Vellums always have a recommendation! By the cash register there is a framed sign: '10% proceeds donated to Moonbrook Schoolhouse in Westfall'.The second floor is roped off with a minimalist sign ‘employees only’. Near the stairwell is a door marked ‘Private’. Various members of House Shadowstorm are seen going to and fro from this door. Presumably this is a workspace for book orders of a more delicate nature.


Instead of providing a substantial list of all the books in stock, here is a list of genres that you might pick from. Everything in the store can range from beginner to intermediate levels. The storefront is for casual roleplay. Niche histories, rare tomes, and higher level magical grimoires are not on display. If you seek such forbidden books, House Shadowstorm is rumored to employ researchers and adventurers to obtain rarities. Please inquire in character.

Our Selections  
AdventureAlchemy & HerbalismBiography
BlacksmithingChildren's BooksCooking
EngineeringEnchantingFantasy / Sci-Fi
Horror / ThrillerFirst AidFishing
Folklore & MythologyHistoryIntro to Magics
Military StrategyMiningPoetry
Travel GuidesTrue Crime 

13 Arcane Ave.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis in rutrum purus, non ornare urna. Sed feugiat feugiat neque nec condimentum. Ut venenatis, metus a vestibulum elementum, purus ex accumsan lorem, non laoreet eros sem et turpis. Curabitur ex dolor, volutpat vitae mi vitae, tincidunt sollicitudin neque. Fusce tempor eros enim. Etiam finibus auctor odio at commodo. Vivamus imperdiet sagittis pellentesque. Suspendisse sagittis ante et sollicitudin consequat. Phasellus scelerisque lacus in purus aliquet, et feugiat est varius. Phasellus auctor risus et diam malesuada, id pellentesque risus scelerisque. Nulla id lorem elit. Quisque vel justo tincidunt, aliquet neque eu, convallis massa.Maecenas quis massa dignissim, rutrum sem vitae, accumsan turpis. Quisque pretium diam ut massa bibendum, vel euismod elit consequat. Aliquam euismod, lorem et molestie pellentesque, lorem ipsum finibus ex, non feugiat turpis tellus eget purus. Fusce fermentum ac nibh nec interdum. Etiam tortor turpis, bibendum ac hendrerit et, placerat vel ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque vitae scelerisque eros, nec posuere felis. Nunc ac leo eros. Vivamus ullamcorper eros massa, at feugiat tellus interdum a. Praesent a ullamcorper mauris. Vestibulum efficitur nibh erat, eu auctor mauris fermentum nec. Aliquam placerat, libero id posuere faucibus, tortor purus interdum diam, vitae viverra nisl turpis ac est.Etiam vel ipsum quis ligula bibendum mattis vel nec sem. Maecenas vehicula rutrum sapien, a lacinia nisi dignissim a. Sed tincidunt, nunc et lobortis pharetra, sapien est semper elit, at efficitur nisl lorem sit amet ante. Aenean aliquam tortor nec est scelerisque commodo. In consectetur tellus non pulvinar facilisis. Integer vitae diam non mi malesuada volutpat a ac elit. Nam enim libero, tincidunt eu orci lobortis, facilisis lobortis neque.